Sunday, 23 March 2025

Minifigs Catalogues... the ongoing quest.


Well, we know that Minifigs was originally founded in 1964/65 by Neville Dickinson but the question is how many catalogues did they have? Now I have 7 editions so there will be quite a few more out there... my earliest is probably a late 60's one but unfortunately undated... this is a collection for posterity as I'd like to get them all scanned and recorded for all. Help appreciated!

Just the front covers for now...

They moved from this address in 1972 and were incorporated  (becoming a limited company) in 1968 so any year between these?

Thanks to Peter Lloyd ; One thing I did find out in my search which may help you date the first one on your list, the initial catalogue from the late 60s had S range infantry listed as a shilling each, the second catalogue from September 1970 had them at 1/3d.

Looks like this one s 1970 then...



Sword & Sorcery page photocopy passed to me in the 90's, unsure of which catalogue it came from - the 1975 catalogue lists the range but no image sheet.




1993 / 94

All help appreciated... either comment below or send me an email;


WSTKS-FM Worldwide said...

The color cover listed as 1993/94 was also the cover on the catalog brought to me by my late mother (living in Southampton at the time) in April 1988. I've still got it around here somewhere.

Kind Regards,


David Wood said...

The colour one is 1985 (the monochrome cover below is the 93/94). It'd be interesting to see if there are differences inside!

WSTKS-FM Worldwide said...

Ah! Thank you.

Kind Regards,


Rob Young said...

I've got 3 of those plus quite a few scattered pages of a loose leaf catalogue. I'll see if I can find them.

Rob Young said...

I'm guessing the loose pages are 1980 but haven't got the front.