Friday, 31 January 2025

Salute 1988 - the program!


I was perusing the first few years of Wargames Illustrated and came across this insert... nowadays Miniature Wargames has that honour of course. I don't think I was at this one although my memory recalls a coach trip to one Salute in either the late 80's or very early 90's. Thought I'd better scan it for posterity as South London Warlords seem to have removed previous Salute history off their website - please correct me if I'm wrong!

And on to the show... scanned as decent quality jpgs so hopefully good enough. I should be there this year if I can find a cheap return train ticket as the current £75 is out of my budget... I might be living on the streets of London at this rate.

The joys of the last image, bearing in mind it was released in September 1987! Wonder if it will prove popular?

That's it for now... if by any chance you feel like contributing to my getting back from London you could donate via my Ko-Fi site...

Much appreciated if you do as the Salute content will be on the blog! Previous Salute posts can be found via the tags on the right.

Until next time!

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