Friday, 31 January 2025

Salute 1988 - the program!


I was perusing the first few years of Wargames Illustrated and came across this insert... nowadays Miniature Wargames has that honour of course. I don't think I was at this one although my memory recalls a coach trip to one Salute in either the late 80's or very early 90's. Thought I'd better scan it for posterity as South London Warlords seem to have removed previous Salute history off their website - please correct me if I'm wrong!

And on to the show... scanned as decent quality jpgs so hopefully good enough. I should be there this year if I can find a cheap return train ticket as the current £75 is out of my budget... I might be living on the streets of London at this rate.

The joys of the last image, bearing in mind it was released in September 1987! Wonder if it will prove popular?

That's it for now... if by any chance you feel like contributing to my getting back from London you could donate via my Ko-Fi site...

Much appreciated if you do as the Salute content will be on the blog! Previous Salute posts can be found via the tags on the right.

Until next time!

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Northern Militaire 1987


Somehow I have mislaid my programs for the earlier shows however, inadvertently came across this little one... no longer sponsored by Hinchliffe Models I assume, although I could be wrong. According to Roger Bigg via Facebook it was held at the 'Queen Elisabeth suite, Oldham town hall. The Mailed Fist WARGAMES Group were exhibiting there, as we did at all the Northern Militaires invited by the organiser Mr John Leigh'. 

I have many fond memories of the show including seeing the wonderful painted display at Poste Militaire and the (then) new 25mm Star Troopers range by Garrison Miniatures... tying in with a certain sci-fi film. My late father, god bless him, took me to my first one around 1975. I certainly have progs from then on (somewhere in the house) but it may have been the year before. If only I could go back in time and ask people to take lots of pics

Looking at the traders it's a sad indictment of the hobby with so many lost in time, like tears in the rain... 

A few more posts on the shows (amongst other things) here;

Some enhanced pics from one of the 80's shows here;

As always;

Friday, 24 January 2025

Grenadier Gamma World - Yexil - one more off the list.


I picked this one up a while back but just realised I hadn't posted it. G50 Yexil, one of the rarer Gamma World blister packs... a lot bigger than I'd imagined and, judging by the eBay images sent to me (all kudos to original owners who are unknown, posted here for the community), it stretched the blisters' ability to hold it! It was a great range that never came over here back in the day although the boxed sets did. I was fortunate to be gifted a pair of the boxes which helped immensely (thanks Joel!).

Good source for Gamma World information;

It was quite a large and varied range (listing courtesy of Stuff of Legends);

G-01 Android Workers and Warriors

G-02 Human Adventurers 1

G-03 Human Adventurers 2

G-04 Grens, Woods People

G-05 Serfs, Mutant Men

G-06 Orlens, Mutant Men

G-07 Healers

G-08 Restorationalists

G-09 Knights of Purity

G-10 Knights, Mounted

G-11 Brotherhood of Thought

G-12 Seekers

G-13 Iron Society

G-14 Tribesmen Human

G-15 Barkskin Tribesmen

G-16 Mutant Tribesmen

G-17 Tribesmen Mutant #3

G-18 Woman Adventurers

G-19 Townspeople

G-20 Villagers

G-21 Power Armor Troops

G-22 Partial Armor

G-23 Arns and Blaash

G-24 Herps and Parns

G-25 Soul Besh and Cal Thens

G-26 Hissers

G-27 Kesshin and Sleeths

G-28 Menral and Blight

G-29 Arks and Wolfiods

G-30 Badders

G-31 Hoops

G-32 Centisteed

G-33 Brutorz & Rakox

G-34 Podogs

G-35 Robots 1

G-36 Robots 2

G-37 Robots Attack Borg

G-38 Ecology / Agricultural Robots

G-39 Engineering Bots

G-40 Transport / Lifter Bots

G-41 Warbot

G-42 Ground Cars

G-43 Intelligent Animals

G-44 Weapons Pack 1

G-45 Weapons Pack 2

G-46 Medical Pack

G-47 Mutant Do-It-Yourself 1

G-48 Mutant Do-It-Yourself 2

G-49 Mutant Do-It-Yourself 3

G-50 Yexil

G-51 Robot Tankettes 1

G-52 Robot Tankettes 2

Lots of images on Lost Minis (more needed please);

Some of the range was taken from the unofficial John Carter of Mars range, various, Red and Yellow Martians including a mounted one? The JC range is one that has never been listed unfortunately and remains one of my hobby holy grails (various pics on the blogs if you search on the tags). 

As always leave a comment or shoot me an email;

Saturday, 11 January 2025

Gencon / Origins 1988 Game Fair


I came across this when tidying a bookcase so thought it a good idea to scan it for posterity. I seem to recall it came in a Dragon Magazine but not sure which one if so. I think it would have been a classic event going off the contents... enjoy!

As always;

Thursday, 9 January 2025

Combat 3000 Amendment Sheet (Richard Halliwell and Richard (Rick) Priestley)


A hobby friend asked me to scan the amendment sheet so, of course, I scanned other bits as well in case anyone should be missing them... hopefully  high enough quality to print off for those that already own the rules. There are a few more posts if you hit the Combat 3000 label on the right hand side. Brilliantly illustrated with the old future Citadel Spacefarers concept artwork by Tony Yates, Bryan Ansell and Nick Bibby.

As always

Sunday, 5 January 2025

Dragonooth Gelmen and Grenadier Gamma World

 As a lot of you know, my old school tastes tend to the very old fantasy / sci-fi - the more lead oxide coming off on my fingers the better (until the advent of eBay I loved wargame shows and, if my fingers weren't grey, it hadn't been a good show). Oh, no, I generally didn't lick them clean. Dragontooth and early Grenadier are prime examples of this... interesting sculpts but I love them and, a few days ago, a wonderful trade package turned up containing these beauties;

Dragontooth GEL6 Gelmen Infantry Armed with Spear

There are 3 variants, pics below c/o Kevan at Stunties / Lost Minis WIKI.

GEL5 Gelmen Infantry Armed with Mace - only 1 variant so I wonder if there were more?

A short video showcasing them... excuse the background noise of YouTube ads whilst I'm listening to Necroscope by Brian Lumley (read it in my youth and it's great to revisit it via audio).

 I believe they were sculpted by either Mike Gilbert or Michael Katok. Confirmation needed!

Next is a Grenadier G38 Ecology / Agricultural Bots
(1 of each type). This is a loose set - haven't been able to confirm if it's a full set as yet as the images available aren't that clear. Quite infuriating trying to catalogue the GW blisters for posterity!

A blister image off Lost Minis, not a great quality reference unfortunately.

A larger 'enhancement'...

If you have any more info / images / trade pieces do let me know.