Wednesday 4 September 2024

Warrior Miniatures Catalogue - early 90's


Warrior Miniatures were established back in 1973 and have had a strong presence in the hobby over the years until recently when ill health has caused them to stop trading for now. The website is still up, although orders / enquiries are not being taken. This catalogue appeared on my doorstep yesterday courtesy of a hobby friend (thank Rusty!) so I thought it'd be good to share. There's no definitive date to it although he picked it up in the early 90's. I've got a Dragon Wars boxed game which I'll post this week. Warrior produced miniatures and games  for several companies including Over The Wire Miniatures & Games, quite a list as you will see.

Hopefully the images when clicked will be large enough to read.

The website is below but, as I mentioned, 'Unfortunately due to personal circumstances we are unable to take any orders or respond to queries at this time.' The last update that I can find (via TMP) is that John (Holt) was out of hospital (April 2022) and hoping to get back to production. Nothing since so I can only hope he is still recovering.

There's an an excellent article on the Warrior Roman Testudo here;

Interestingly, Warrior was (is?) involved in toy theatres as well;

"Publishers and manufacturers of reproduction English toy theatres, plays and prints. Part of the Warrior Miniatures Group of companies based in Glasgow, Scotland, UK.

We present a selection of plays produced for the Juvenile Drama, popular in the early 19th century as a parlour entertainment for children. We offer black and white (penny plain), and coloured (twopence coloured) plays ready for you to prepare as you wish and perform.

All our plays are crisp clean copies with all imperfections removed. Also, we have ready made stages and a selection of theatre portraits and prints. We have several new plays printed in colour added to our listing. Have a look at our shop.

Please enjoy and value the Juvenile Drama for what it is, an entertainment, a passion!"

Hopefully John will return to the fray although he is apparently now in his 80's.

As always please leave a comment below or give me a shout on I'm having trouble replying to comments on blogs at the moment for some reason... possibly linked to my dying laptop.

Monday 2 September 2024

Harbinger Magazine and other old bits - help needed!


Back in the noughties, Harbinger Magazine was launched and swiftly became my favourite glossy miniatures mag. It was part of Griffin Miniatures with the editor as Mark Lanckham although I don't have much to go on barring that... any information would be great. I am still searching out my copies of the magazine so will find more myself. Wayback Machine shows 25 back issues available although the detailed pages weren't captured. Vague thoughts that these were rereleased at some point although a few people has said not. The sculptor was a Dave Hughes? According to Wayback Machine, there were 12 miniatures... only names for ten on the capture; Fire, Justice, Pestilence, The East, Wrath, Despair, Fury, Pain, The Cleansing Flame and The Fallen. 

Edit; found some more of the magazines. First issue is 0, August 2003 then I have issue 3, December 2003 (was there an issue 1 squeezed into the in the intervening months?) and 4 then issues 6 (March 2004) through to 13 (October 2004) which are monthly. Issue 14 is dated December 2004 with no reason mentioned for the gap) then back to monthly to my last issue, no.18 (April 2005).

Great if you could fill in the gaps!

Edit - Cattwister on Los Minis posted a page last month!

Harbinger of Fury

Harbinger of Vengeance

Harbinger of Pestilence

The Harbinger of the Fallen (Issue 4)

Harbinger of Fire

Harbinger of the Moon

Harbinger of Justice

Harbinger of the East


Harbinger of Pain

Harbinger of the Hunt... not sure if I picked this one up or not... memory failing!

Also some ancients I don't recognise as yet... possibly Minifigs / Warrior Persian types. Help please!

Finally there were two large scale miniatures - a Celtos Gael Bondman and Thor. I never saw either in the flesh... anyone got a spare?

More later once I find anything. Please comment below or contact me on

Had to take Arya to the vets today for a sore paw... now on antibiotics for a week then being put under so they can investigate... so much for financing new releases this month!

Waiting outside whilst I settled the bill... she hates the vets!