A total joy to receive was a set of RRB Minis mice at arms, sculpted by David Bezio. Whilst he was sculpting them he posted WIPs on Facebook so of course I had to goad him into making a Fellowship set. He didn't disappoint! These are tiny little figures, approximately 10mm tall. The pics tell the whole story. All the greens are David's own images, used with permission. I've tentatively mounted them on 20 round bases...
The full Mice At Arms army set is available in the UK although the link has details of getting them from RRB Minis in the USA and also the rules via David Bezio's 'Lulu' account.
So what have I been up to?
I've also been painting a lovely Sarissa Precission ''Pissoir' to go with the upcoming Napoleoniques. I found it whilst, as usual, looking for something else and, again as usual, had to start that.
Outstanding work bud