
Saturday, 4 March 2017

Asgard Miniatures 1979 Catalogue....

Asgard Miniatures empowered the launching of many of today's hobby sculptors and personalities such as Bryan Ansell, Jes Goodwin, Nick Bibby, Tony Ackland and Rick Priestley. Where would our hobby be without them? If you 'do' Facebook then I urge you to join the Asgard Miniatures Collectors Group created by Mark Stevenson.

Below you (should) find the Asgard 1979 catalogue as a PDF file.......I've followed instruction to embed it however even I don't trust myself. If needed, a direct link to it is here.


  1. first fantasy figures I ever bought were from that catalogue ;-)

  2. Sigh... That takes me back.

    Speaking of which - we need more Trimotes.

    I've been picking 'em up (SciFi Trimotes and the Trimote auxilaries) in ones or twos from ebay - but to complete an army for "Hordes of the Things" is gonna take an age at this rate.

    All the best,


  3. Can only hope that alternative Armies finds some of the molds Geoff...keep hassling Gavin and he might try to find them!

  4. Thanks, David.

    I have, however, already asked. The "word on the street" was, sadly, no.

    Baring in mind it's taken over 10 years to gather the 15 or so Trimotes I have at present (some of which were bought damaged, that's how desperate I was/am) then the dream of completing a Hordes of the Things army isn't getting any nearer completion. I really need another 20 assorted figures, so perhaps I should be looking at the army being ready for the tabletop by around the year 2030...

    The Trimotes are one of those ranges that I should have bought "way back when" when they were available,rather than missing the opportunity and - now I really do want 'em - it's a case of tough luck.

    Oh well. I suppose that's life.



  5. I'll have a look when I'm home Geoff just in case I have some spare.

  6. In the last couple of days I have signed the paperwork to go ahead with my pension / early retirement. If everything goes well then - in a couple of months, by the time I'm 59 - I can reduce to 2 1/2 days a week. Forty years of full-time work is enough for me. All the spare, free time will hopefully allow me to crack ahead with those wargaming projects that never quite made it...

    I have boxes and boxes of unpainted lead, mostle full of either loose figures or figures in ziplock bags or smaller boxes. I generally know what figures I have. The bad news is that I can rarely locate 'em. Perhaps the slow down as I head towards retirement will give me the time to sort through everything...
    << Yeah, right. I know>>

    All the best,


  7. Good news Geoff, I have a few spare of the Sci Fi ones. Email me on the deartonyblair email and I'll get the to you.

  8. FG05 was my first figure. Giant goblin in plate armour. I've been scouring Ebay looking for one but nothing has come up since I have started looking. I took my life in my hands cycling along the A52 from Derby to Nottingham to the very iconic Asgard shop.

  9. Hi Phil, join the Asgard Facebook group - you never know someone might have a spare!

  10. Keep an eye on the Alternative Armies page for Trimotes...... wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more....

  11. Thanks Asgard Mark. As Mr Burns is wont to say "Excellent".

    Thanks again,

