A few more pics from various old mags. From the article it seems this was the first Salute for the Warlords. I have another Peter Gilder article somewhere and will post it once I find it. His combover reminds me so much of my old Dad, God bless him. And yes, I have inherited the same.....
Peter Gilder of course was the sculpting machine for Hinchliffe Models. Check the tags/labels for more articles.
A 1989 shot of some Foundry people including a young pair of Perry twins. Top blokes and exceptional sculpting machines both.
Also scanned this Minot ad for the Lost Minis WIKI so thought I'd post it here. 1977 was a good year for minis....
Also found this in an old Military Modelling classified section.....prices you could almost afford...
Great stuff Dave, keep 'em coming!