
Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Dear Tony Blair - the miniatures....

In or around 1974 I started enjoying aspects of this hobby.....almost 40 years later I have gone to do something of my own...........2 Evil Duergar by Bob Olley and Derek the Troll (old White Dwarf comic strip penned by Lew Stringer) sculpted by the boy genius George Fairlamb....

Once the greens arrived with Pete at The Mouldmaker they were spaced on the mold rubber and the cavities made...this ensures the rubber flows around the green with less pressure that could lead to damage and mis-molding....all pics below courtesy of Pete....

Maggie's face pushed down as far as it will go......

placed in the can ready for the pressing of the actual mold....note the placement of the molding studs...

Pete carefully prises the mold halves apart....

and lo and behold there came unto Pete a beautifully crafted spin mold..

the alchemical reactions of green to brown....where is Gordon?

and the cast themselves..DTB 1 

DTB 2....

and a troll...this one will not for be for sale as it was based (as above) on the GW creation Derek the Troll by Lew Stringer and was given to me as such. See Lew's comments.

The man himself, Pete brown of The Mouldmaker...a true character with possibly one of the best jobs in the industry....

More details once the 'Disorganised Me' sorts things idea what to call them as idea how to package idea how to.......well, you get the drift.


  1. An excellent new venture and fascinating post. What great sculpts too.... I can imagine the politicians wandering round a dungeon causing havoc with the inhabitants and players. I look forward to seeing new pieces arrive.

  2. Dave, The castings look great! Pete always does a great job. I'll buy a couple sets off you. :^)

  3. Evil darkness beyond buddy hhe il have a few also

  4. Be farefuld, David these kind of ventures can get highly addictive :-D

  5. I'd like a maggie for a painting challenge I'm doing!

  6. Hi, just to clarify something: the character Derek the Troll was entirely created by me as a comic strip for Games Workshop, and I've always owned the copyright. I'm fine with you doing a model though (as long as it's not sold obviously) and you've done a great job!

  7. Any of you remember the "class wars" figure range that came out in the 80s? They would fit right in with these!
    I will trawl through my old Military Modellings and find the adverts. The one I particularly remember was called "capitalist on wage slave" as I recollect

  8. I picked up a couple of those a month or so ago after I found the ad in an old white dwarf;

    I'd love to find pics of more!

  9. I will try to find the adverts, may take me a while though.
