Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Combat 3000 has arrived!

This is so cool........

Even the errata sheets and such like are there......

Brilliant Tony Yates sketch of Citadel Spacefarers Star Lane Pirates...........

Oops...a not Klingon happened to appear....

and all for the princely sum of £1.95 from Games. How I miss that shop. I used to frequent the Liverpool one and it was a trove of the weird and wonderful......

Monday, 10 December 2012

Combat 3000 - Infantry Combat in the Year 300

Just picked up a copy of this old ruleset....more once it arrives including a better pic!

Possibly a fore-runner to Warhammer 40K / Rogue Trader by Richard Halliwell and Richard Priestley.......why is it Mr Halliwell is always known as Richard and Mr Priestley is always known as Rick? Anyway, pics on the front are very old Asgard Minis.......

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Some gladiator minis........finally finished....

Some years in the painting........all are Wargames Foundry who look to be revamping themselves under Bryan Ansell's son Marcus. Fingers crossed that he keeps pushing things the way forward as he has been! They are having a Warhammer 40K nostalgia game on Saturday 15th December that I would love to go to but am unfortunately working the night before.........if anyone gets the chance to go and picks up a spare of the mini they are giving away please think of me.....

Also  managed to finally pick up a copy of the old Tony Ackland Asgard Miniatures sculpt FM85 Lord of Chaos mounted and on foot. All things come to he who waits...............

God I love the old school stuff!

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Dragon Magazine No.15 June 1978

I was fortunate enough to finally get a copy of this magazine - I have been after it for ages for a decent look at an unknown Minifigs Valley of the Four Winds miniature - see below....looks kind of like a dog headed foot stool. Centre piece was a poster as a '2nd Birthday Present'.......

If anyone can identify this missing piece please let me know.....